Hollywood Couch & Water Tour

So more news from the Hollywood trenches. An update, if you will.

The script that we wrote, and is beloved by all that read it, is alive and kicking. In fact, one of my most favorite directors in all the world is interested in directing. (And no, I will not say their name as I am outrageously superstitious and don’t want to jinx myself.) But as the director loves the project, we (Mike and me) are sitting down with the wonderful director tomorrow. For breakfast. And notes.

The director has notes. Everyone has notes. To be a professional writer in Hollywood is to realize there WILL ALWAYS BE NOTES. And it is our job, as professionals, to take them, incorporate them, and make the script better. Not to say that all notes are created equal.

They’re not.

But most notes have at least a little bit of somethin’ behind them. Meaning if you dig deep enough a note that appears nutty can actually point you in the direction of even a tiny crack in the script that needs a fix.

Then next week…more meetings. Many more meetings. And a treatment. For a new script.

I’ll keep you posted.


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