First Week of School

Well the first week of school is complete. Each year, I seem to forget how hectic this week is. I pack lunches, I go to school with the children, and I shuffle them to their various activities. As the children discover their new classes and teachers and classmates I am rediscovering some important things too.

First yoga. Aaaah. How I love yoga. The workout plus the endorphin release at the end soothes my soul. I am calmer, more fit, and happier when I practice. This week I discovered a class at the studio I attend that fits nicely wedged between my writing schedule and the children’s school/activity schedule.

Second meditation. Quiet contemplative thought. With this busy summer I didn’t often find time to sit peacefully and meditate or perhaps I didn’t carve out the time. Now that our school year routine is reestablished I’ve found the perfect time to meditate. I like to sit in silence just before I write. The words flow more freely and I find a clarity of language that is more difficult for me to attain when I haven’t meditated.

Finally more time to write. I must pat myself on the back as I was good this summer. I did stick to my writing schedule (mostly). Between the demands of pilot season and a new screenplay I had plenty to accomplish.

What have you rediscovered with the beginning of the school year and the entrance of fall?

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